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#202 : Résurrection

Les choses se compliquent tandis qu'Emily continue ses tentatives pour revenir dans les vies des Graysons tout en restant liée à Amanda et son bébé qui doit naître.


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Revenge 2x02 - Bande-Annonce

Revenge 2x02 - Bande-Annonce


Revenge 2x02 - Bande-Annonce (2)

Revenge 2x02 - Bande-Annonce (2)


Revenge 2x02 - Sneak Peek (1)

Revenge 2x02 - Sneak Peek (1)


Revenge 2x02 - Sneak Peek (2)

Revenge 2x02 - Sneak Peek (2)


Revenge 2x02 - Sneak Peek (3)

Revenge 2x02 - Sneak Peek (3)


Revenge 2x02 - Sneak Peek (4)

Revenge 2x02 - Sneak Peek (4)


Photos promo

L'homme aux cheveux blancs, Gordon Murphy (James Morrisson)

L'homme aux cheveux blancs, Gordon Murphy (James Morrisson)

Daniel et Emily

Daniel et Emily

Charlotte Grayson (Christa B. Allen)

Charlotte Grayson (Christa B. Allen)

Conrad et son fils

Conrad et son fils

Gordon Murphy

Gordon Murphy

Charlotte et Emily discutent

Charlotte et Emily discutent

Emily Thorne au téléphone

Emily Thorne au téléphone

Charlotte Grayson (Christa B. Allen)

Charlotte Grayson (Christa B. Allen)

Emily Thorne (Emily VanCamp)

Emily Thorne (Emily VanCamp)

Charlotte et Emily

Charlotte et Emily

Emily Thorne (Emily VanCamp)

Emily Thorne (Emily VanCamp)


Logo de la chaîne TF1

France (inédit)
Jeudi 24.04.2014 à 00:15
0.95m / 18.6% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne ABC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Dimanche 07.10.2012 à 21:00
8.36m / 2.6% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario: Sallie Patrick 

Réalisateur: David Grossman


Barry Sloane ... Aiden Mathis
Margarita Levieva ... Amanda Clarke
Jennifer Jason Leigh ... Kara Wallace Clarke
James Morrison ... Gordon Murphy
Dilshad Vadsaria ... Padma
Todd Grinnell ... Dr. Thomas

Résumé long - Resurrection


L’épisode commence par une scène montrant Emily enfant. Elle est en voiture avec sa mère.

En voix off, Emily parle de la résurrection, et comme quoi la mort n’est pas une fin en soi mais un nouveau départ, une seconde chance.


Emily, enfant, s’adresse à sa mère et l’informe que son père lui a dit qu’elle était malade. Sa mère lui répond qu’elle va mieux maintenant qu’elle est avec elle. Emily demande alors où est son père. Sa mère lui dit de ne pas s’inquiéter, qu’elle doit en profiter car elles sont en vacances.

La voix off reprend la parole ; Emily dit que la résurrection nécessite de passer par l’enfer.

Sur la fin de la phrase, la mère d’Emily est remplacée par Victoria qui termine la phrase en même temps.


Au même moment, on entend un cri, puis on voit Emily en train de dormir sur son canapé. Son sommeil semble agité. Nolan tente de la réveiller. Par reflexe, Emily l’attrape par la gorge comme pour l’étrangler. Lorsqu’elle se rencontre que c’est Nolan, elle le relâche et lui dit de ne plus jamais recommencer. Nolan l’a réveillé car elle faisait un cauchemar. Il lui reproche d’avoir passer la nuit à regarder des « films d’horreurs » à savoir la vidéo surveillance de Victoria et de dormir sur le canapé à la vue de tous et notamment de l’homme aux cheveux blancs qui doit la tuer.

Emily ne pense pas qu’il va la tuer car Victoria prétend travaillé pour le gouvernement pour faire tomber Conrad et que cela impliquera forcément un jour où l’autre Charlotte.
Emily décide donc de s’arranger pour faire sortir Charlotte du centre de désintoxication.


Au manoir des Grayson, Daniel est dans le bureau entrain de travailler sur le rapport financier trimestriel de l’entreprise. Ashley le rejoint et lui demande si il veut venir faire une partie de tennis avant de partir au travail. Daniel refuse. Il y a un problème dans les comptes de l’entreprise. Il pense que son père gonfle artificiellement les retours sur investissement de l’entreprise. Ashley lui propose à nouveau de faire une partie afin qu’il se change les idées et que cela lui permettra alors peut être de trouver la solution.

Au même moment, il reçoit un coup de téléphone. Il demande alors à Ashley de quitter la pièce car il doit prendre l’appel.

C’est Emily qui l’appelle pour lui faire par de ces doutes sur le médecin de Charlotte, le Dr Thomas. 

Au fur et à mesure qu’Emily lui apprend ce qu’elle a découvert, Daniel lance une recherche sur internet sur le médecin. Il demande ensuite à Emily de lui envoyer par mail tous ce qu’elle a trouvé.

Emily accepte, Daniel la remercie.


Alors qu’Emily raccroche et s’apprête à rentrer dans sa maison, on voit Emily à travers une jumelle. Il s’agit en fait de l’homme envoyé par Takeda qui l’observe caché dans les herbes hautes prés de la plage.


Au centre de désintoxication, Charlotte est en séance avec son médecin. Celui ci veut lui poser trois questions. Il lui demande d’abord si elle a des pensées sombres puis si elle semble entendre ou voir des choses que personne d’autre ne voit ou n’entend. Charlotte lui répond qu’elle n’a plus de pensées sombres depuis qu’elle a arrêté la drogue et que le test était un faux et que personne ne semble voir que son père la retient au centre contre sa volonté.

Le médecin lui parle alors du téléphone qu’il a trouvé dans sa chambre. Charlotte ne veut pas en parler et lui demande de poser sa troisième question. Le médecin lui demande alors si elle pense que des personnes complotent contre elle. Charlotte ne répond pas.


Emily rentre chez elle après son coup de fil à Daniel, elle arrive au bon moment car l’homme aux cheveux blancs est avec Victoria. Elle lui demande de ne pas toucher à Charlotte. Il lui répond qu’il n’est pas patient ainsi que l’initiative et qu’ils ont déjà trop attendu (9 semaines). Il jette ensuite une enveloppe à Victoria. L’enveloppe contient des passeports avec de nouvelles identités pour Victoria et Charlotte.

Emily, qui suit la scène par la vidéo surveillance ne veut pas que Victoria parte avec Charlotte.

Victoria demande ensuite à l’homme où il en est par rapport à Emily. Il lui répond qu’il a d’autres priorités.

Victoria lui dit qu’elle ne peut pas lui donner l’argent temps que Charlotte n’a pas touché son héritage.

L’homme récupère alors l’un des deux passeports et menace ouvertement Victoria et Charlotte.

Nolan demande à Emily ce qu’elle veut faire. Elle lui répond que puisque Victoria lui a pris sa mère, elle va lui prendre sa fille.


Declan sort du bateau. Il est interpellé par un gars qui se prénomme Troy Chandler. Il est dans la même salle d’étude que Declan. Troy demander à Declan si il a des nouvelles de Charlotte. Declan lui répond que non vu la situation.
Pour Troy cela représente un avantage car du coup il est célibataire et il peut profiter de l’été. Il invite Declan a venir avec lui et d’autres sur un bateau. Declan refuse car il doit rénover le bar pour avoir de l’argent pour aller l’université.

Troy lui dit alors que sa vie craint. Declan confirme et quitte le port en direction du bar.


            Chez Emliy, Nolan est vidéo-conférence avec sa société. Nolcorp vient d’être placé sous contrôle fiscal.

Une jeune femme du nom de Padma Lahari, qui est l’analyste comptable de la société dit à Nolan qu’il devrait embaucher un directeur financier même si il n’aime pas déléguer.

Nolan n’est pas d’accord avec cette idée. Il demande à ce que la réunion soit repoussée au lendemain et coupe la vidéo-conférence.

Au même moment, Emily arrive. Nolan pense alors que ces salariés ne le respectent pas. Emily ne voit pas pourquoi il aurait du respect pour quelqu’un qui ne porte pas de pantalon. Alors que Nolan lui raconte une anecdote sur une interview qu’il a fait alors qu’il était quasiment nu dans un jacuzzi, Emily lui demande où en est sa recherche de maison. Nolan n’a rien trouvé pour le moment.

Emily s’apprête à quitter sa maison pour se rendre au centre de désintoxication et demande à Nolan de surveiller Victoria.


Au moment où Emily sort de chez elle, Amanda arrive. Elle lui demande ce qu’elle a dit la veille à Jack pour que celui veuille faire un test de paternité. Amanda veut qu’Emily arrête de se mettre entre Jack et elle et espère qu’ainsi Jack pourra l’aimer.

Emily accepte de les laisser tranquille et dit à Amanda, qui a accepté de faire le test de paternité mais qui a aussi eu une aventure d’un soir à l’époque de la conception du bébé, qu’elle l’aidera pour les résultats du test mais à condition qu’Amanda l’aide en échange.


            Conrad est dans son bureau, au siège de l’entreprise. Il est avec un homme qui lui fait signé des documents. Conrad lui demande de rester discret. Il ne veut pas que l’état de Charlotte qui vient d’être jugé instable mentalement soit divulgué.

L’homme fait remarqué à Conrad que malgré tous ce qui s’est passé, il a réussi à maintenir son entreprise à flot.

Les deux hommes se serrent la main. Au même moment, Ashley arrive et demande à parler à Conrad.

L’homme quitte alors le bureau. Conrad et Ashley parlent alors de Daniel. Ashley lui apprend qu’il a passé la matinée à regarder le rapport financier de la société et qu’il a vu que quelque chose n’allait pas.

Conrad veut éloigner Daniel de la réunion des investisseurs qui a lieu l’après-midi même. Il lui demande alors où se trouve Daniel.


Daniel arrive au centre de désintoxication. Emily s’y trouve aussi mais il ne l’a voit pas.

Il s’en prend au Docteur Thomas et lui dit qu’il est au courant de ces magouilles et qu’il doit revenir sur son évaluation concernant l’état mental de Charlotte. Après l’avoir menacé, il va rejoindre Charlotte dans sa chambre et lui dit de prendre ces affaires, qu’il la fait sortir du centre.
Charlotte lui demande si il a réussi à empêcher leur père d’avoir accès à son héritage. Daniel lui répond que non, mais qu’il récupère tous. Charlotte refuse de partir avec lui, elle ne veut pas qu’il débarque comme ça en héros alors qu’il ne l’a pas cru.

Au même moment, Emily arrive dans la chambre. Charlotte lui demande si elle peut la ramener. Emily accepte.

Un fois Daniel sortit de la pièce, Charlotte demande à Emily de l’emmener voir sa mère.


            Declan est au bar, il travaille sur la plomberie et casse accidentellement un tuyau. Comme il a oublié de couper l’eau, un début d’inondation se produit. Jack et Amanda arrivent à ce moment là. Jack coupe l’eau et Declan leurs demande où ils étaient. Amanda lui dit qu’ils devaient faire des examens pour le bébé. Elle reçoit ensuite un texto d’Emily qui lui donne rendez-vous. Elle dit à Jack qu’Emily veut l’emmener faire du shopping pour le bébé.

Une fois qu’elle est partie, Jack dit à Declan qu’ils sont allés faire un test de paternité.
Declan lui demande ce qu’il va faire si le bébé n’est pas de lui.


Emily et Charlotte sont en voiture. Emily propose à Charlotte de l’attendre pendant qu’elle parlera avec sa mère pour la ramener dans les Hamptons si bien sur elle veut revenir dans les Hamptons.

Charlotte lui dit alors que Victoria a prèvu de les faire quitter les pays mais elle ne sait pas comment elles vont faire vu que Conrad a vidé ses comptes bancaires.

Pour Emily, cela n’aura pas d’importance pour Victoria tend qu’elle est avec sa fille.

Emily lui dit ensuite qu’avant de partir, elle devrait voir quelqu’un qui a quelque chose à lui annoncer. Elles arrivent près d’une plage. Emily annonce alors à Charlotte qu’Amanda est de retour et qu’elle est enceinte et donc qu’elle va être tante.

Charlotte est heureuse de cette nouvelle. Elle descend de voiture et va rejoindre Amanda. Les deux jeunes femmes se prennent dans les bras. Emily regarde la scène depuis sa voiture.


Victoria, qui vit toujours caché, est entrain de regarder le faux passeport de Charlotte lorsque cette dernière arrive.

Victoria semble heureuse de la revoir. Charlotte lui apprend que le Dr Thomas travaillait pour Conrad et que ce dernier lui prit son argent.  Pour Charlotte, l’argent n’a pas d’importance alors que pour Victoria si. Elle lui dit que le bonheur ne leur permettra de s’en sortir.

Charlotte l’informe alors qu’elle peut avoir de l’argent mais qu’elle ne veut pas partir tout de suite du fait qu’elle va être tante.
Victoria pense que c’est Emily qui est enceinte de Daniel.
Charlotte lui annonce que ce n’est pas Emily qui est enceinte mais Amanda.


Emily suit la scène grâce à Nolan avec qui elle est au téléphone et qui surveille toujours Victoria. Emily lui demande si il a les résultats du test. Il a piraté le site du laboratoire mais il n’a pas encore les résultats.


            Dans la cachette de Victoria, Charlotte montre à sa mère son sac contenant tous les objets qu’elle a pris au manoir et qu’elle pourrait revendre afin de donner de l’argent à sa mère. Victoria ne comprend pas pourquoi elle a fait cela, car cela ne va pas suffire.

Charlotte lui dit qu’elle lui en donnera plus une fois que le bébé d’Amanda sera né.

Charlotte ne comprend pas pourquoi Victoria semble plus contrarié par le fait que Charlotte n’est plus d’argent que par le fait qu’elle veuille rester. Charlotte pensait que Victoria voulait être avec elle.
Victoria regarde l’enveloppe contenant le passeport sur le bureau et dit à Charlotte qu’elle a raison, qu’elle n’a fait cela que pour l’argent et qu’elle n’en a rien à faire d’elle. Alors qu’elle lui dit ça, elle cache l’enveloppe sous un tas de papier.

Victoria dit alors à Charlotte que si elle veut passer son été avec Amanda c’est son choix et que Amanda est sa seule famille maintenant. Charlotte dit à sa mère qu’elle est un monstre et part.


Emily, qui a suivit toute la scène, dit à Nolan de continuer à surveiller. Elle ne croit au fait que Victoria est laissé si facilement Charlotte pour a protéger.


Charlotte rejoint ensuite Emily en voiture. Emily lui demande ce qui s’est passé. Charlotte ne veut pas en parler. Elle veut juste partir.

Chez Emily, Nolan continue de surveiller Victoria qu’il compare à une panthère. Au même moment, Padma, l’analyste comptable de Nolcorp, arrive chez Emily. Nolan l’a prend au départ pour un avocat. Elle est venue car elle continue de croire que Nolan doit engager un directeur financier. Elle lui a envoyé des liens mais Nolan ne les a pas regardé et il ne veut pas se connecter. Elle lui propose alors de les lui montrer grâce à sa tablette. Nolan, qui est toujours en caleçon, accepte et lui demande de se retourner afin qu’il puisse mettre un pantalon.


Conrad est à la réunion avec les investisseurs. Il leur annonce que la société a surmonté la crise financière. Daniel fait irruption pendant la réunion et exige de parler à son père. Daniel est dégouté par ce que Conrad a fait à Charlotte. Pour Conrad, c’est de la faute de Daniel si il a été obligé de prendre les comptes de Charlotte car il a refusé d’investir dans la société. Le représentant de Takeda parmi les investisseurs suit la scène attentivement.


Alors que Daniel laisse son père, Conrad reçoit un coup de téléphone. C’est Victoria qui l’appelle. Dans un premier temps, il ne l’a croit pas. Mais Victoria lui fait comprendre que ce n’est pas une blague et que si il ne fait pas exactement ce qu’elle lui dit de faire elle le hantera pour le reste de sa vie.


Conrad se rend à la cachette de Victoria. Il réalise alors qu’elle est belle et bien vivante. Conrad dit à Victoria qu’elle est un monstre pour que même le diable de ne veule pas d’elle. Pour Victoria, il n’y a qu’un seul monstre, Conrad, car il a tenté de la tuer.

Pour Conrad, ce n’est pas vrai, car il lui a dit de ne pas prendre l’avion. Certes il ne lui a pas dit pourquoi comme lui reproche Victoria mais celle-ci reconnaît qu’elle ne l’aurait pas cru si il l’avait fait.

Victoria vide ensuite sur la table basse le sac qu’à amener Conrad. Elle lui dit de bien profiter du moment car ça sera sans doute la seule fois qu’il pourra faire ce qu’il va faire à savoir la frapper.


Nolan est au restaurant avec Padma qui lui présente différents candidats pour le poste de directeur financier. Aucun ne convient à Nolan. Il propose alors à Padma le poste. 


Jack est chez lui. Amanda arrive. Il lui dit qu’il a les résultats du test de paternité et qu’il l’attendait pour les ouvrir.

Amanda ouvre le courrier et informe Jack du fait qu’il est bien le père du bébé. Jack la remercie pour tout.

Amanda lui dit qu’elle l’aime et qu’elle ferait n’importe quoi pour lui. Jack lui dit que lui aussi.

Elle lui demande ensuite d’aller lui chercher de la glace. Amanda profite de l’absence de Jack pour appeler Emily afin de savoir si Jack est vraiment le père du bébé. Emily affirme à Amanda qu’elle a trafiqué les résultats du test et donc que Jack n’est pas le père. Amanda raccroche et ne supporte pas de savoir.

Charlotte est dans sa chambre au Manoir Grayson, elle est entrain de faire sa valise.

Daniel arrive et pense qu’elle l’a défait. Charlotte lui que non, qu’elle la refait. Elle va aller vivre chez Emily. Charlotte demande à Daniel à quoi correspondent les papiers qu’il a dans la main. Daniel lui dit qu’il lui a ouvert un compte au quel Conrad ne peut pas toucher et sur lequel il a déposé tous ce qu’il déposait au profil de Charlotte, car il avait promis à sa mère d’être gentil avec sa sœur à la naissance de celle-ci.

Il décide même d’emménager dans la maison de la piscine. Ashley arrive à ce moment là. Daniel lui dit qu’il a pris de décisions et qu’ils doivent en parler.

Ils sortent alors de la chambre de Charlotte qui promet de venir voir Daniel dès qu’elle aura défait ces valises.


L’homme aux cheveux blancs arrive, arme à la main, à la cachette de Victoria. La maison est plongée dans le noir. Il cherche Victoria dans toutes les pièces. Il finit par la trouver menottée à un radiateur et ayant subi des coups. Il lui demande qui a fait ça. Elle lui répond que c’est lui et qu’il ferait mieux de courir. Il regarde alors juste au dessus de Victoria et voit le coquillage contenant la caméra. Au même moment, des sirènes de police se font entendre. L’homme quitte alors la maison.
Conrad arrive avec les forces de police. Conrad et Victoria jouent la surprise devant les policiers.


Emily rentre chez elle, Nolan n’est pas là. Emily regarde alors la vidéo-surveillance et voit Conrad avec Victoria qui parlent que fait que la police n’a pas trouvé l’homme aux cheveux blancs. Victoria ne veut pas aller à l’hôpital, elle veut seulement rentrée chez elle.


Daniel et Ashley sont dans le salon du manoir. Ashley lui demande pourquoi il a tout donné à Charlotte. Pour Daniel, c’était la seule chose à faire.

Conrad arrive, Daniel veut le mettre à la porte mais Conrad indique la direction du bureau à des enquêteurs. Daniel lui demande ce qui se passe. A ce moment là, Victoria rentre dans la maison. Daniel est surpris de la voir, Charlotte arrive aussi.

Conrad leur explique alors que Victoria a été enlevé contre une rançon la nuit de l’accident. La police veut avoir le témoignage de Conrad en premier. Conrad invite Daniel a venir avec lui. Les deux s’éloignent donc.

Victoria en profite pour parler avec Charlotte. Elle s’excuse de l’avoir repoussé mais elle n’avait pas le choix. Elle l’a fait pour la protéger. Elle fait promettre à Charlotte de ne rien dire à son père et veut savoir ce que sait Emily.
Charlotte lui alors qu’elle a raconté tous ce qu’elle savait à Emily mais qu’elles peuvent lui faire confiance. Victoria veut la voir le plus rapidement possible.


Dans le bureau, Conrad a la police, ainsi qu’à Daniel ce qui s’est passé et pourquoi il a prit l’argent de Charlotte. Daniel ne comprend pas pourquoi son père ne lui a rien dit du fait que sa mère était en vie. Conrad lui dit que sa priorité était de protéger la vie de Victoria et que l’homme qui lui a fait ça est très dangereux.


Declan est devant le bar, il jette les gravas. Troy arrive. Il a un service à demander à Declan. Il voudrait que ce dernier lui garde quelque chose. Declan dit que si c’est de la drogue il ne veut pas en entendre parler.  Troy sort alors de sa poche un bracelet comprenant pleins de pierres précieuses. Troy dit qu’il appartient à sa belle-mère et qu’il donnera de l’argent à Declan en échange du service.

Declan accepte. Troy lui donne le bracelet et s’en va.


            Emily arrive chez les Graysons.  C’est Charlotte qui lui ouvre. Emily lui demande comme c’est possible, Charlotte se pose la même question.

Elle informe également Emily que Victoria veut en fait être avec elle et qu’elle a fait exprès  de la repousser pour la protéger. Charlotte qui a Emily qu’elle a dit Victoria qu’elles pouvaient lui faire confiance. Charlotte lui demande si elle gardera bien leur secret. Emily accepte et demande à parler à Victoria.

Victoria remercie Emily pour ce qu’elle a fait. Emily lui dit que si elle a besoin de quoi que se soit elle est disponible puisqu’elle passe tout l’été dans les hamptons puis prend congé.

Daniel, qui l’a vu arrivé, la raccompagne jusqu’à la porte, il la remercie pour tout ce qu’elle a fait pour Charlotte.


            Alors qu’Emily regarde Daniel rejoindre sa famille, elle reçoit un coup de téléphone provenant de l’homme aux cheveux blancs. Il veut récupérer les images de la vidéo-surveillance.


            Emily rentre chez elle. Nolan dit que personne n’aurait pu voir venir ce qui s’est passé sauf si bien sur il était resté à regarder la vidéo-surveillance. Il pense qu’Emily le prend comme un assistant personnel calé en technologie. Emily le reconnaît. Elle dit à Nolan qu’il devrait avoir sa propre vie, son propre chez lui.

Nolan lui demande ensuite si Charlotte emménage, ce à quoi Emily lui répond que non.

Pour Nolan, cela est une victoire pour Victoria et en plus Jack est le père du bébé d’Amanda. Elle dit alors à Nolan qu’elle a menti à Amanda en lui disant que le bébé n’était pas de Jack. Nolan ne comprend pas pourquoi Emily a menti à Amanda. Il dit que cela est cruel même pour elle.

Elle veut également que Nolan s’en aille pour la soirée. Nolan ne veut pas la laisser seule mais Emily lui dit qu’elle ne sera pas seule.


Jack et Declan sont au Stowaway, Declan demande à Jack quand est ce qu’il allait lui dire qu’il est le père.
Jack lui demande comment il sait. Declan lui répond qu’il a trouvé le résultat dans l’appartement. Declan le félicite. Il pense néanmoins être un fardeau pour Jack, Jack lui affirme que non.

Amanda arrive de l’appartement et dit à Jack d’allumer la télé. Au journal télévisé, on annonce le retour de Victoria.


Emily est chez elle, elle regarde les images de la vidéo-surveillance où Conrad frappe Victoria. L’homme aux cheveux blancs arrive. Emily lui dit que les images le disculperont mais en échange elle veut savoir si il a tué sa mère comme il a tué sa mère.

L’homme lui raconte alors si il y avait bien une personne capable de prouver l’innocence de son père cela aurait été sa mère. Son testament aurait fait tomber tout ce que les Grayson avaient mis en place. Il raconte à Emily comment Victoria et lui ont obtenu la confiance de sa mère et l’ont fait quitté l’hôpital en lui faisant croire qu’il était des Fédéraux et que David était un terroriste et un meurtrier.

Emily lui demande alors si il a tué sa mère ou non. Il lui répond qu’elle ne le saura jamais et l’attaque.


Pendant l’attaque, Emily continue de parler en voix off de la résurrection. L’homme aux cheveux blancs s’apprête à la tuer et lui dit : « Au revoir Amanda ». Au même moment, il reçoit une balle qui le tue sur le coup. Emily regarde alors qui a tiré le coup de feu. Il s’agit de l’homme envoyé par Takeda.


EMILY THORNE (voice-over): For those who believe in resurrection, death is inconsequential. It's not an ending but rather a new beginning. A second chance, a reunion.


(Kara's driving, radio is playing Never Tear Us Apart by INXS with Kara singing along)

Kara: C'mon, my voice isn't that bad.
(5 year old) Amanda: Daddy said you were sick.
Kara: It's all better now that I'm with you.
(5 year old) Amanda: Where is daddy?
Kara: Oh, don't worry baby! We're on vacation.

EMILY THORNE (voice-over): The very idea of resurrection is so seductive a concept it's easy to forget, before you can rise from the dead you have to spend a few days in hell.


(5-year-old Amanda screaming)
Nolan: Ems, wake up, wake up!... (strangled by Ems) Bad dream?
Emily: Uh! Don't do that again.
Nolan: This is why you shouldn't fall asleep watching horror movies.
Emily: I fell asleep monitoring Victoria.
Nolan: Exactly! Don't you think it's a little bit... dangerous to be catnapping out in the open? Or are you actually baiting the white-haired Mannibal Lecter to come for you?
Emily: He's not gonna kill me.
Nolan: Oh, really? Did he pinky swear?
Emily: Victoria was lying about working with the government to bring down Conrad. Whatever she's planning, it has to involve Charlotte somehow.
Nolan: Unfortunately, Charlotte is still on lockdown at Dr Doom's sober house.
Emily: Not for long.


Ashley: Morning love. Care to join me for a quick match before work?
Daniel: Sorry. Quarterly report's due out this afternoon.
Ashley: Something wrong?
Daniel: The company's R.O.I. is up 10%. That's 4% higher than any of our competitors.
Ashley: Isn't that a good thing?
Daniel: It would be if the numbers actually matched the assets in the bank. I'm worried someone's been artificially inflating the returns — namely my father.
Ashley: He's smarter than that. Wouldn't the board know if they saw the balance sheets today?
Daniel: No, if he's able to refill the coffers before then. Question is what money?
Ashley: Well, maybe playing a game will help you figure out. Hit a few ball, get your blood going.
(Emily's calling)
Daniel: I have to take this. Would you shut the door please? (to Emily) Hi!
Emily: I hope you don't mind me calling. It's just something's been eating away at me ever since Memorial Day.
Daniel: What's that?
Emily: Before they took Charlotte away, she whispered something in my ear. She said that she was scared of her doctor. I..
Daniel: He found that she's been using again. I mean she would have said anything not to go back to that place.
Emily: Well, that's what I thought, too. But I did some research on Dr. Thomas last night, and it turns out, he has a history of keeping his patients longer than necessary to pad his billing. You don't think it's possible that he fixed the drug test results, do you?.. Daniel? Are you there?
Daniel: I'm here.
Emily: I hope I did the right thing in calling you.
Daniel: Oh, you did.
Emily: I'd hate to think that anyone was taking advantage of Charlotte.
Daniel: C..can you e-mail me what you found on him?
Emily: Yes, of course.
Daniel: Uh, Emily, I appreciate the call.

(Aiden's aiming at Emily with his scope from the beach)


Thomas: Just three more questions, Charlotte. Do your thoughts often feel clouded or confused?
Charlotte: Not since I stopped using, and I have stopped using. The blood test was wrong.
Thomas: Do you believe you can see or hear things others cannot?
Charlotte: No one else seems to see that my father is holding me here against my will. Does that count?
Thomas: I'm more concerned with the fictitious person you say gave you the disposable phone I found hidden in your bedroom.
Charlotte: Just read the last question.
Thomas: Do you believe others are plotting against you?


(WHM and Victoria are having a conversation on the monitor)
WHM: Sounds like I need to intervene.
Nolan: Just in time. He's back.
Victoria: You do not touch my daughter. Do you understand me? We have plenty of time to figure this out.
WHM: Well, you may have time. I do not. I kept the initiative off our trail for nine weeks. Patience is not their strong suit, nor mine. (throws a bag at Victoria) I kept my end of the bargain.
Victoria: Veronica and Samantha Clarke?
WHM: I thought you'd appreciate that touch.
Nolan: Passports, new identities looks like Vicky's gonna fly the coop.
Emily: Not with my sister, she isn't.
Victoria: What about Emily Thorne?
WHM: First thing first.
Victoria: I can't pay you until Charlotte receives her inheritance.
WHM: (take back the passport) I'll just hang on to yours then, to make sure you stay put. The good news is, your daughter's a drug addict and you're already dead. That makes you both damn easy to dispose of.
Nolan: What now, revenger?
Emily: Let the punishment fit the crime. Victoria took my mother away from me. It's time I took her daughter away from her.


TREY CHANDLER: Hey, Porter. It's Trey Chandler, you know, from study hall?
Declan: What can I do for you?
Trey: I didn't know you had a boat in this marina.
Declan: Yeah, it's really easy to miss between the yachts. What do you want?
Trey: Charlotte's out of rehab yet?
Declan: Don't know, we don't really keep in touch.
Trey: Ah, on the bright side, you're single, and it's summer, right? Oh, by the way, if you want to join us, we're, uh, we're sailing out to Crescent Beach for the day. Cute girls, bikinis, hmm?
Declan: Uh... I can't. We're renovating the bar.
Trey: What, you can't take a day off?
Declan: No, I can't. I take a day off, and the bar stays shut down. The bar stays shut down, I don't go to college. I don't go to college, this is my life forever.
Trey: Wow, it sucks to be you.
Declan: Tell me about it.


Nolan: Can someone please explain to me how this happened, why we're being audited?
An unnamed guy: The tax examiner said our offshore holdings were "questionable".
Nolan: Well, what years are they investigating?
PADMA LAHARI: All of them.
Nolan: Who said that? Who are you?
Padma: Padma.. Lahari — your accounting analyst. The very fact that you don't know that is an indication of what's wrong her, sir. And I hate to bring this up again because we all know you don't like delegating, however, this seems to be an opportune time to hire a C.F.O.
Nolan: Negative! I may be a control freak, but that is why we are where we are today.
Padma: You mean being audited?
Nolan: Let's reconvene tomorrow, shall we?
(Back to Emily's beach house where she's just come downstairs)
'Nolan: I don't think my employees have any respect for me.
Emily: Why would they? You're not wearing pants.
'Nolan: Well, they don't know that. You know, I once did a video interview with Katie Couric butt-naked in my jacuzzi. She had no idea.
Emily: How's the house hunting coming?
'Nolan: Well, Hamptons inventory is still virtually nonexistent. Though I hear the Grayson Manor might be available soon. Off to rehab?
Emily: Keep an eye on Victoria, let me know if anything changes.
'Nolan: Ooh, monster movie marathon. Can't wait.

(Emily meets Amanda as she's stepping out)

Amanda: What did you say to Jack last night? He came home wanting to know if the baby is really his.
Emily: Jack told you he was here?
Amanda: He doesn't keep secrets from me.
Emily: Oh, right. That's your role in the relationship.
Amanda: I told him I'd get a paternity test.
Emily: Good, get one.
Amanda: Look! I had a one-night stand the first time you sent me away. But I still think this baby is Jack's. And if I'm right, you have to accept it. I love him and if you'd stop trying to undermine everything, then Maybe he'd have a chance to love me, too.
Emily: You're right, Amanda. I'm sorry. Let me know what lab you're using. Well, that's why you came here, isn't it, to have me ensure the results? But I'm gonna need your help with something, too.


Conrad: Thank you for being discreet. It's unfortunate I have to do this, but my daughter's self-destruction has forced my hand.
An unnamed officer: Judge Morris said to tell you, he's sorry for all your family's been through.
Conrad: Yeah. It has been punishing. Sometimes I feel like Job, from the Bible, having escaped with only the skin of my teeth.
An unnamed officer: At least, amidst all this, you've managed to keep your company afloat.
Conrad: Thank you.
Ashely: Mr. Grayson, may I speak with you?
Conrad: Ms. Davenport, yeah, just close the door. So how's my boy?
Ashely: Not himself. He was up early this morning, poring over your financials. Something about the numbers not adding up.
Conrad: Oh, was he using a calculator or his fingers?
Ashely: I did everything in my power to distract him, but he wasn't biting. Is this something that we should be worried about?
Conrad: The only thing that you should be worried about is keeping him away from that investors meeting today. All right? Where is he now?


Daniel: Dr. Thomas, a word.
Thomas: Of course. Let's, uh, step into my office.
Daniel: Oh, this won't take long. I just got off the phone with our family lawyer. He said you testified to Charlotte's mental incompetence.
Thomas: Your sister is a very sick girl. Daniel: No, what's sickening is how far you and my father went to pull this scam. Not that you're a stranger to abuse of power. Now whatever he's paying you for your lies, believe me, it won't offset the lawsuit I'll slap on you unless you get on the phone to Judge Morris and recant that evaluation immediately.
Thomas: I will call him now.
Daniel: (to Charlotte) Grab your things. We're leaving.
Charlotte: They're releasing me?
Daniel: No, I am. It turns out dad was keeping you in here in order to get his hands on your inheritance.
Charlotte: I knew it. You stopped him?
Daniel: I found out too late, but I promise, I'm gonna get it all back for you, every penny. Now come on, let's get you out of here.
Charlotte: I'm not going anywhere with you.
Daniel: What?
Charlotte: Isn't it convenient, you come in here acting like the hero, but only after dad stole everything? I swore at Mom's memorial I was clean, and you did nothing to stop them. Get out.
(Emily comes in)
Emily: I'm just dropping these off. (to Charlotte and Daniel) Sorry, unless this is a bad time.
Charlotte: No, actually, it's perfect timing. You can give me a ride home. (to Daniel) Get out.
Emily: Is everything okay, Charlotte?
Charlotte: Will you take me to my mother?


Declan: Damn it!
Amanda: What happened?
Jack: I told you to turn off the water if you're gonna touch those pipes.
Declan: Yeah, I guess I forgot, you know? Kind of like you forgot about that strict work schedule that you were harping about earlie. Where the hell have you been, man?
Amanda: Another baby check-up. Sorry.
Declan: Yeah. It seems like there are a lot of those lately.
Amanda: It's Emily. I forgot she wanted to take me shopping for baby clothes.
Jack: Mm...
Amanda: We really hit the godmother jackpot, didn't we? Do you mind?
Jack: No, go ahead.
Declan: What's going on?
Jack: We just had a paternity test.
Declan: Seriously? Okay. What are you gonna do? I mean, if it isn't yours?
Jack: I don't know yet. But no matter what she's done, she's still Amanda.
Declan: No, no. No matter who she is, if she lied to you, man... why would you raise somebody else's kid? I mean, if it's yours, great. Obviously, we'll manage. But if it's not, our world is falling apart around us. We don't need the extra burden. I mean, you tell me that you wouldn't be a little bit relieved.

(Emily's driving Charlotte)

Emily: If you want, I can wait for you while you talk to your mother, drive you home after? Assuming you're going back to the Hamptons. Or you're welcome to stay with me.
Charlotte: That's really nice, Emily. But the truth is, my mother and I are supposed to leave the country. She wants to start a new life, change our names, just disappear. Only now that my father has drained my bank accounts, I don't know what we're gonna do.
Emily: I don't think that Victoria will care about the money as long as she has you. And, Charlotte, there's something that you need to know. I didn't want to overwhelm you in rehab.
Charlotte: What is it?
Emily: If you have time, I think that we should let your sister tell you.
Charlotte: Amanda's back? Oh my God. She's pregnant.
Emily: Due this month. It's a boy. Charlotte: I'm going to be an aunt?
Emily: Congratulations.
Charlotte: Amanda.
Amanda: Oh my God. Hi.


Charlotte: Mom?
Victoria: Charlotte? Oh. Oh my God, it's you. Oh, you're here. Oh... Are you all right? I've been worried half to death about you.
Charlotte: Dr. Thomas confiscated my phone. He was working for dad. They took everything, mom. My inheritance is gone.
Victoria: All of it?
Charlotte: Dad had a judge declare me mentally unfit.
Victoria: Oh, that pig is even more despicable than I ever imagined.
Charlotte: It's gonna be okay, though. It's only money...
Victoria: Sunshine and happy thoughts aren't going to get us through this, Charlotte. We need that money to survive.
Charlotte: I can get you money, mom. But I can't go with you. At least, not yet. I'm going to be an aunt.
Victoria: Oh, God. Don't tell me that your brother impregnated Emily Thorne.
Charlotte: It's not Daniel. It's my sister Amanda. Look...
(At Emily's house, where Nolan's watching the two)
Nolan: You're hearing this, Ems?
(Emily's sitting outside, talking to Nolan through her phone)
Charlotte: This should help.
Emily: Is Victoria's heart still beating?
Nolan: Was it ever?
Emily: What's the update on Amanda anyway?
Nolan: I hacked into the lab, but the results aren't in yet. You'll know as soon as they are, though. And she just opened the bag.
Victoria: What is this supposed to be?
Charlotte: I went home and packed whatever I thought you could sell for cash. That should be enough to get you by for now, and after the baby is born, I can bring more.
Victoria: What, more spoons and tiaras? This is worthless to me.
Charlotte: Why is it you seem more upset about the money than me staying? I thought this was about us.
Victoria: You're right, Charlotte. It was never about us. My plan was always to leave everything behind, you included. I only needed you to access the account. If you want to spend the summer with Amanda Clarke, go ahead. Let her be your family now.
Charlotte: You really are a monster, aren't you?
Victoria: Go on. And whatever happens, don't come back here!
Nolan: Tragic!!! Victoria pushing Charlie away to save her? Bittersweet victory, Ems.
Emily: Don't take your eyes off of her. I'm not convinced.
Nolan: What makes you say that?
Emily: A mother doesn't leave her daughter so easily.

(Charlotte entered Emily's car)

Emily: What happened?
Charlotte: My mother. Can we just go, please?

(Back at Emily's beach house)

Nolan: Oh, and the poor lonely panther came to realize she would never return to the jungle from whence she came.
Padma: So this is what you do all day, watch nature channel videos?
Nolan: Oh. You caught me. Huh. And you are?
Padma: Padma.
Nolan: Oh. Right. One of my lawyers?
Padma: Accounting analyst.
Nolan: Oh. Huh. Well, you look different in 3D.
Padma: We all do. Something you'd know if you came to the office occasionally. I know you said no to hiring a C.F.O. but that is a colossal mistake. I don't mean to sound insubordinate...
Nolan: You do. Why are you really here, hmm?
Padma: I e-mailed you links to some poachable C.F.Os if you want to log on... (Nolan shut his laptop down) Or I could show you on my tablet.
Nolan: Mm. You win. But, uh Could you turn around? Need to put some pants on.


Conrad: Well, I was hoping that my son would be here for this, but I am thrilled to tell you that Grayson Global has finally shaken off the vestiges of our financial crisis and risen from the ashes. As you'll see in the prospectus, we took some harrowing risks. Basically, we jumped...
Aiden: ...and you built your wings on the way down - as they say.
Conrad Precisely. I take it that's what you'll report back to Mr. Takeda.
Daniel (forces his way into the meeting): I need to speak to you. Now!
Ashley: Daniel...
Daniel: Unless you want to discuss this in front of our key investors.
Conrad Uh, excuse me, gentlemen. Family matters. Ashley, would you?
Ashley: Oh.
Daniel: Of everything you've ever done, this might be the most repulsive.
Conrad: Daniel, this is not the place...
Daniel: No, you cleaned out Charlotte's bank accounts. You manipulated a teenage girl who's still mourning her mother's death. I mean, my God! What are you?
Conrad: I am your father. And I'm her father, whether she wants me to be or not. And every choice I make is in her best interests.
Daniel: Oh, like hell it is. This is the same crap you always say.
Conrad: What I did is done! It is over. So don't you come to me now, especially now, complaining that I should've done things differently. You know, if you really wanted to help, you'd have given me your trust when I asked for it, then I wouldn't have had to touch Charlotte's...
Daniel: You're right, Dad. No, you're right. It's all my fault. But this? This is far from over.

(Conrad's phone rings)

Conrad: Who the hell is this?
Victoria: Conrad, it's Victoria.
Conrad: Is this some kind of a joke?
Victoria: Oh, you wish. The next few moments are going to be the most important seconds of your miserable life. You are going to do exactly as I say, or I will haunt you all the way to your last pathetic day on earth.


Conrad: So it's true. Even the devil himself didn't want you.
Victoria: The only devil here is you. And don't pretend for one moment that you didn't try to murder me.
Conrad: Oh, is that the story you're telling yourself? I tried to save your life. I warned you not to get onto that plane.
Victoria: You simply failed to tell me why.
Conrad: Are you telling me you would've listened?
Victoria: Agree to disagree.
Conrad: Uh-huh.
Victoria: Just know, if there'd been any other avenue, I would've taken it. Whatever happens from this point forward stays between us. (scattering a bunch of torturing devices)
Conrad: So what's next?
Victoria: Hit me. This is your one and only shot, so do it like a man, if it's even possible.
Conrad: Oh, dear. Nothing would give me greater pleasure.

(Nolan and Padma on the riverside restaurant)

Padma: Alan Allerton, former C.F.O. of a $6-billion telecommunications comp
Nolan: Oh, $6 bil is a lemonade stand. Pass! Look, no matter how impressive the resume, none of them get the job because none of them are me.
Padma: Stop thinking of it as giving up control. Think of it as gaining someone to control completely to do the things you don't want to do.
Nolan: Now that I like the sound of. Well, what about you?
Padma: I am not a candidate. I haven't even finished grade school.
Nolan: Neither have I.
Padma: Yes, but I'm not qualified.
Nolan: Well, you're driven. I mean, you drove all the way out here to Long Island, didn't you?
Padma: These people I'm pitching have at least fifteen years of leadership experience.
Nolan: Yes, but I don't want a leader. I want a partner that I can control. You said you're not leaving here until I choose a C.F.O.? Well, how about, I'm not leaving here until you say yes?


Amanda: Hey. Where'd you disappear to?
Jack: I picked up the test results.
Amanda: Did you open them?
Jack: No. I was waiting for you.
Amanda: Oh. Okay. Mm.

(Amanda open the letter, reads, smiles and hands the test result to Jack)

Amanda: I told you, nothing to worry about. Like I said, you're gonna be a daddy.
Jack (embraces Amanda): Thank you. Thank you for doing that.
Amanda: I love you, Jack. I'd do anything for you.
Jack: Me, too.
Amanda: Good. Can you get me a popsicle? I'm hot.
Jack: Mm.

(Amanda reached for her phone and dial Emily)

Amanda: Hey, it's me.
Emily: Has Jack seen the results?
Amanda: Just now. Please tell me it's really his.
Emily: Sorry. I wish I could.
Amanda: I... I don't know how to thank you. Gotta go.

(Jack shows up with 3 popsicles while Emily's driving on the road, definitely feeling regret)


Daniel: Char? Must feel nice to unpack.
Charlotte: Repacking, actually. Emily offered me a room at her place.
Daniel: Mm-hmm.
Charlotte: What's that?
Daniel: I went to the bank and opened up a new trust account for you one that Dad can't touch. I transferred everything I own into it, including my half of the inheritance. You can even have my car if you want it.
Charlotte: What? Why are you doing this?
Daniel: 'Cause when you were born, mom made me promise to be nice to you, and I don't want to let her down. I'm gonna move out to the pool house. This, uh, you can have this place to yourself.
Charlotte: Daniel, I have...
Ashley: What's this about the pool house?
Daniel: Yeah, I... I have some news. We'll talk about it over a drink or two. Sorry. What were you gonna say?
Charlotte: I'll find you after I unpack.

(They hug each other)


(The white-haired man open the window, surprised at what he's seeing)

WHM: What the hell? Who did this?
Victoria: You did. And if I were you, I would start running right now.

(The police siren can be heard from the distant)

Cop A: Cover me.
Cop B: Okay! We'll go around back.
Conrad: Victoria?!
Cop C: Search the premises.
Cop D: I see it. She's in here.
Cop E: Clear. Found her. Call a medic.
Conrad: Oh, my God, Victoria. What did that pig do to you?
Cop F: Somebody get an ambulance.


Emily: Nolan?

(Getting no response, she proceeds to his laptop and open to see the scene first-hand

Conrad: But I don't understand how you let him get away. Your men were on him.
Chief officer: They're still searching the area. We need to get you to the hospital.
Victoria: No, no hospital. Please call my private physician and have him meet me at the house. I'd like to go home.
Conrad: It's a miracle what this woman can endure.
Emily: Son of a bitch.


Ashley: Half I could understand, but why on earth would you feel the need to give her everything?
Daniel: Because it's the right thing to do. Listen...
Conrad: Daniel?
Daniel: You're not welcome here. Get out.
Conrad (to the physicians): The study's just to your left.
Daniel: What the hell is going on?
Victoria: Daniel.
Daniel: Oh, my God.
Victoria: My darling. Oh! (embraces Daniel)
Conrad: Ashley, excuse us. Family only.
Victoria: I know this must come as a shock to you.
Daniel: What?
Charlotte: Mother?
Victoria: Charlotte? Sweetheart. (whispers to Charlotte) This was the only way.
Daniel: How is this even possible? What happened to you?
Conrad: Your mother was abducted the night of the plane crash.
Daniel: You were kidnapped?
Conrad: ...and ransomed.
Chief officer: Mr. Grayson, if you're ready, I'll take your statement first.
Conrad: Yes, of course. Uh, Daniel Uh, why don't you come with me, son? I'm sure you'll want to hear this.
Victoria: Go ahead. I'll be right there. Go on. (to Charlotte) Charlotte, please forgive me for pushing you away this afternoon, but I had no choice.
Charlotte: Why did you do that? And what's going on?
Victoria: The man who I arranged to have us disappear. He was lethal. When the money fell through, he turned on me. And as far as your father knows, you know nothing, and that's the way it has to stay.
Charlotte: Got it!
Victoria: Now what about Emily Thorne? How much did you tell her?
Charlotte: Everything I knew. But we can trust her, mom.
Victoria: Bring her to me immediately.

(at Conrad's office)

Conrad: I was doing everything in my power to meet her abductor's incessant demands. But it, uh, it bled me dry, depleted almost all my accounts and my daughter's.
Daniel: Are you saying that's what happened to Charlotte's inheritance?
Conrad: Tonight was to be the final payment.
Conrad (seeing Daniel leaving): Daniel? (to chief officer) Detective, a moment?
Daniel: Why? Why didn't you tell me? This whole time, you knew the truth? You could have at least told me my mother was alive.
Conrad: My top priority was to protect her life. If I told you or anyone, Daniel, you don't understand what this man is capable of. He took down that plane. He killed poor Lydia.
Victoria (to the facial sketcher): He had shock-white hair, the color of snow.


Trey: Late night at the office?
Declan: What are you doing back here?
Trey: We just docked. So, listen, um... I need a favor.
Declan: What kind of favor?
Trey: I-I need you to hold on to something. It it's my parents. You know, they breathe down my neck. They go through my crap. I can't keep anything at home that they don't know about.
Declan: If this is about drugs, I don't want any...
Trey: No, it's not. (reaches his pocket for a bracelet)
Declan: Whoa! Did you steal that?
Trey: No, my dad gave it to my stepmom for Valentine's day.
Declan: And she's not gonna notice that that's missing?
Trey: I'm sure she'll blame the maid. You know the type. Look, all you need to do is just hang on to it for a couple days, and I'll give you 500 bucks.
Declan: Why me?
Trey: 'Cause you need the money. That's a lot of cash to do nothing. Hmm? Cool. And there's a lot more where that came from.


Charlotte: Thank you for coming up so quickly.
Emily: How did this happen?
Charlotte: I'm still trying to figure that out. All I know is she did not want to leave without me. I think this was her only way of getting out of hiding so we can be together. Emily, I told my mom we can trust you. Well, can we? Will you keep our secret? I know you must think my family's crazy. But they're my family and I need my mother. Emily: May I speak with her?
Charlotte: Mother?
Emily: Victoria. What an interesting turn of events!
Victoria: Mm. Charlotte told me what a good friend you were to her after I was taken, and I wanted to thank you.
Emily: Well, I did what anyone would do under the circumstances. I just wanted you to know that if you need anything, anything at all, I'll be here all summer. Well, it's late. And you all clearly have so much to talk about.
Daniel: I'll walk you out. Thank you for what you did for Charlotte today. While obviously, I had no idea this is how it would all turn out.
Emily: Obviously.
Daniel: You've been a good friend to the family, Charlotte especially. Look, I know you and my mother have never gotten along, but, uh...
Emily: Well, tragedy has a way of bringing people back together.
Victoria: Daniel.
Emily: You should go. Be with them.

(Emily's phone rings)

Emily: Hello.
WHM: You have something I need.
Emily: Every frame of it. You know where to find me.


Chief officer: We need to get you to the hospital.
Victoria: No, no hospital. Please call my private physician and have him meet me at the...
Nolan: Okay, in my defense, there is no way anyone could've seen that coming. Well, right, had I kept an eye on Victoria, I would have. But, see, the problem is, ever since you came back, and even before that, it's like you just expect me to be your fashionably dressed, technologically savvy sidekick.
Emily: You're right. You should have your own life, your own place.
Nolan: So is Charlotte moving in?
Emily: No. She's up at her house, celebrating her mother's second coming.
Nolan: Oh, victory, Victoria. And to add to all that, Amanda's carrying Jack's baby.
Emily: I told Amanda that I fixed the results. That Jack isn't the father.
Nolan: You lied to her? Ems That's dark, even for you.
Emily: I don't care where you go tonight, but you can't stay here. I need the place to myself.
Nolan: I don't think you should be alone.
Emily: Don't worry. I won't be.


Jack: So, um... I was waiting to tell you the news.
Declan: It's your kid.
Jack: How'd you know?
Declan: You left the results lying around upstairs. Congratulations!
Jack: Mm.
Declan: Listen, what I said earlier about not needing an extra burden. That's me. I-I'm the extra burden.
Jack: No, Dec, you...
Declan: Yeah, I am! I am. You're starting a new life, and I want to, too. I'm gonna get my own place as soon as I can save up the cash.
Jack: Okay, so not anytime soon.
Amanda: Jack? You might want to turn on the TV.
The reporter: They are confirming Victoria Grayson, who was thought to have died over two months ago in a private plane crash, was found earlier today.
Declan: No way.
The reporter: Sources say Grayson was abducted and restrained here in this remote cabin. Her captor is still at large.
Amanda: Looks like the bitch is back.


(Emily's sitting, watching the tapes showing how Victoria got beaten)

Conrad: Nothing would give me greater pleasure.
Emily: All of this will exonerate you. And it's yours. But there's something I need in return. You once said I was a hell of a fighter like my mother. You knew her, didn't you? Did the Graysons hire you to kill her like you killed my father?
WHM: If anyone could've proven David Clarke was innocent, it was your mother.
Emily: How?
WHM: When he asked for a divorce, he told her he planned to marry Victoria. Your mother's testimony would've brought down the whole house of cards.


(In an unknown psychiatric hospital)

Kara: You? What are you doing here?
Victoria: I realize I'm the last person you would ever wish to see. But I am sick with guilt for the mistakes I've made.
Kara: You stole my husband, you whore.
Victoria: I know this is going to be very hard for you to understand, but David had both of us fooled. He's not the man you thought you married. He's a murderer and a terrorist.
Kara: You should see if they have a vacancy here.
Victoria: This is no joke, I assure you.
Kara: He couldn't kill anyone. David wouldn't hurt a fly.
Victoria: He put you in here, didn't he? And he took your daughter away from you.
Kara: Who is he? (implying the white-haired man)
Victoria: This is federal agent Gordon Murphy. In 48 hours, he and his team are going to arrest David for his role in destroying a jet liner.
GORDON MURPHY: Don't worry. I'll keep you safe.
Kara: What about my daughter? Where is she?
Victoria: She's in good hands. Don't worry. In the next couple of days, when all this goes public, you're going to see that I'm telling you the truth. But your life depends on whether or not you agree to let us help you.

EMILY (voiced-over): For those who believe in the resurrection, death is inconsequential.


Emily:And then you killed her?
Gordon: That was the plan, but you know, I don't always follow orders.
Emily: Then what did you do to her?
Gordon: Unfortunately, that's something you'll never know.

EMILY (voiced-over): In the resurrection, those that were dead live, and those who live believe they shall never die.

Gordon: Good-bye, Amanda. I'm sorry it has to end this way.

(A gunshot is heard, then Gordon falls down. The shooter is revealed to be Aiden, much to Emily's shock)

Source : https://revengeabc.wikia.com

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Une seconde fille pour agrandir la famille Bowman

Une seconde fille pour agrandir la famille Bowman
Fin février, je vous annonçais que Emily VanCamp (Emily Thorne) et Joshua Bowman (Daniel Grayson)...

La famille Bowman va s'agrandir

La famille Bowman va s'agrandir
Un carnet rose pour Emily VanCamp (Emily Thorne) et Joshua Bowman (Daniel Grayson). Le couple attend...


Un nouveau sondage est en ligne. Vous êtes conviée à une grande soirée. Emily vous propose une de...

Robbie Amell | Noël sur Amazon Freevee

Robbie Amell | Noël sur Amazon Freevee
Le service de streaming Amazon Freevee vient d'annoncer son programme de Novembre 2023. A notre...

Brian Hallisay | 45 ans déjà

Brian Hallisay | 45 ans déjà
L'acteur Brian Hallisay, l'interprète du beau policier de la série, Ben Hunter fête aujourd'hui, 31...


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Vous êtes conviée à une grande soirée. Emily vous propose une de ses robes, laquelle choisissez vous ? (tenues dans le lien)

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Total : 15 votes
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sabby, Hier à 11:08

Hello à tous !! Les calendriers sont arrivées à Yellowstone et au SWAT On vous attend

Sonmi451, Hier à 11:33

2 thèmes Gilmore Girls vous sont proposés, entre eux mon cœur et ma tête balancent, vos votes sont donc décisifs. RDV dans préférence, merci.

Aloha81, Hier à 12:16

Aloha ! Nouvelle PDM et le nouveau calendrier est arrivé sur le quartier Magnum P.I. !

Aloha81, Hier à 12:17

Sachez aussi que vous pouvez toujours voter au sondage !! Bon 1er mai à tous !

ShanInXYZ, Hier à 17:45

Nouveau mois sur le quartier Doctor Who, calendrier, PDM, Sondage, Survivor et toutes les infos sur la saison qui arrive, passez voir le Docteur

Viens chatter !